Shimelis Abdissa Feyissa

Shimelis Abdissa Feyissa
Head Office
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Shemalesse Abdissa Fayissa
Current office-Bishoftu city Planning and Development office
Current job position-Head of Planning and Development office Background CV Elementary Sch
Name ool –Gitire elementary School (1-8)
High School – Gindeberat high School(9-12)
Univessity –Dire Dawa Full Universsity –BA in Eng. Language $ Literature
-Rift Vally Univarsity –LLB in Law
-Currently am working my paper of my master by LCM(leadership and Change Management) from Oromia State University.
- Exprience – 15 Years 2(two) years teaching
- 3(three)years in Education office
- 3(three)years chair man of East Shoa Teachers Associations
- 3(three) years Legal Expert in Bishoftu Mayor office
- 1(one) year head of Bishoftu Industry office
- 2(two)years head of Bishoftu transport office
- 1 (one) year head of Bishooftu Land use and Adimnistrative Office
- Currently -am Working on head of Bishoftu plan $ Development office