Zewudinesh Aseffa Oda

- Professional summery. I have 29 years work expriance in teaching & in other diffrents government offices/ sectors. When I was vise of Bishoftu educatin office the office get chance to be ranked 1-3 as oromia’s city administration education office by 8, 10 & 12 grade student performans. And alsoI am happy what I done in land, revenue & environmental and climate change offices. Sepecially the community rise so many problem and complain from the above sectors .So, my experience support me to deffirntiate the core problem of these sectors and their limitation on seivece delivery Skills (As leaders standard) Planing,Organizing and praticipating
- Personal information.
- Name,Zewudinesh Aseffa Oda.
- date of birth, 1968 ETH,calender.
- town, Bote.(Alemtena).
- email,zewudekuma@gmail.com.
- Phone-0911992577.
- From 2017 to 2018 I was school.
- Geography in diploma & first degree
- MSC Degree in Urban infrastracture provison and management.
Hobbies and interests.
Admiring /appriting nature and lisining smoth musics
- October /2021 Up to Now Head of Bishoftu Town Trade office.
- September 2020 Up to October/2021 Head of Bishoftu Town Revenue office.
- June /2018 Up to august/2019 Head of Bishoftu Town environmental and climaet change office.
- October /2019 Up to May /2019 Head of Bishoftu Town Land administration and management office.
- May/2016-september 2016, 4months, asHead of association counselor of moyer in Bishoftu City Administration.
- July /2013-May 2016,(2yr & 8 months), as Head of childern & women office in Bishoftu City Administration.
- October/ 2010 Up to June 2013 (2yr & 8 months) as Vice head of bishoftu city Education office.
- December /1991-October 2010(17yrs & 11 montha), as elementory & junior and secondary school teacher & vice director in Fetalle, Dugda. Lume and Ada’a districts in different school.